Card Quest
What is Card Quest?
Card Quest rewards new Card Backs and Game Backgrounds just by playing your favorite matches! Customize your game experience!
New Card Quests themes unlock the more you play. With over 10 themes and more coming soon, the mix and match possibilities are endless!

How to play
How does it work?
Play matches and earn Card Quest rewards at the same time! Card Quest tracks simple goals to complete while you play, like solving a deck or beating a specific score. New quests are added every day. And if you don’t like the quests you received, you can even swap out one per day.
Complete quests to earn tokens. The harder the quest, the more tokens you can earn. Once you collect enough tokens, you unlock new card backs and backgrounds. Equip your new rewards from the customize section in your game settings.

Active Quests
Where can I find Card Quests?
During a Match
Your active quest progress is shown before and after a game match.
Skillz Home Tab
The Card Quest section on your game’s home tab will tell you what reward theme you are actively working towards. Tap on it to see your active quests, customize options, and an overview of your game stats.
Settings Menu
Your active quests can also be viewed from the game’s pause screen.

Game List
Begin your Card Quest today in the following games. More games will be added soon!

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